05 How to stimulate  and maintain learner’s motivation to learn

Effective teaching is not only about transmiting information, but also about creating a learning environment that fosters active participation and student motivation. To achieve this, teachers can employ teaching practices that promote student engagement and self-regulation in their learning process.

Some of these practices include creating interactive and participatory activities in class, fostering collaboration among students, establishing clear goals and expectations, providing constant feedback, and teaching self-regulation skills such as time management and goal-setting. By utilizing these practices, teachers can create an environment where students feel motivated and responsible for their own learning, which can lead to better outcomes and greater satisfaction with the teaching-learning process.

***Still pending

What are High impact practices?

Why high impact practices improve student engagement/motivation?

Whych High impact practices can be used in pilots?

Seleccionar y hacer una ficha de las High impact practices seleccionadas. < https://www.aacu.org/trending-topics/high-impact  >

  1. Capstone Courses and Projects
  2. Collaborative Assignments and Projects
  3. Common Intellectual Experiences
  4. Diversity/Global Learning
  5. ePortfolios
  6. First-Year Seminars and Experiences
  7. Learning Communities
  8. Service Learning, Community-Based Learning
  9. Undergraduate Research
  10. Writing-Intensive Courses


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