Keywords: Self-Assessment, Training, Biases
Before using the Sincoe@Assessment tool, students complete a self-assessment training course. The training serves as motivation and raises awareness of biases that can occur particularly in self-assessments.
Various methods have been addressed already in connection with the topic of personnel selection and development. Students are introduced to the Sinco@Assessment Tool for self-assessment. Before using the tool, self-assessment, peer assessment and external assessment are compared. The susceptibility to biases, especially in self-assessment, is discussed. The self-assessment training is carried out and discussed with the assessment tool after the self-assessment.
Students train a self-perception that is as objective as possible. They become aware that biases play a role in self-assessments and learn how to avoid or at least reduce them.
Students should decide for themselves how to discuss their own results, what kind of feedback to accept.
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