Keywords: online teaching, use of camera, student’s perspective, engagement, interaction
What and Why
To get information about the reasons why the students do open or do not open the camera during online lessons. To use this information when planning courses and online lessons.
Survey. Article.
As a result from the pilot, an article was written and published. (Turku UAS Johanna Ailio, Tarmo Karhu and Sanna Simola) The article is in Finnish, below the translation made by Copilot. Link to the article:
Opiskelijanäkökulma kameran käytöstä verkko-opetuksessa – TalkTalk
Based on our own experiences and research articles, we have compiled a list of tips for teachers who want to motivate students to engage in face-to-face interaction in online education.
· Keeping the camera on is voluntary but recommended for students. Forcing it increases anxiety.
· Social pressure helps everyone commit to using the camera.
· Active participation by students is essential; simply listening to a lecture does not motivate them to be on camera.
· Group bonding in the classroom before the online study period facilitates interaction and appearing on video later.
· If this is not possible, special attention should be paid to group bonding through other means.
· It is easier to keep the camera on in smaller groups.
· Students should have a clearly focused task to work on together.
· Social interaction enhances learning and improves the sharing of opinions, experiences, and ideas. It is difficult to talk to a black screen.
· Through the camera, the teacher can comment on the student’s language and culture-related behavior.
· Keeping the camera on at the beginning or throughout an online exam serves as a means of identifying the student, ensuring the right student is present.
· The teacher should review the practices and communicate that to the students: when and why it is recommended to keep the camera on.
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