This is a brief instruction, how to enrich tutoring by Sincoe@ Assessment Tool and persona canvas.
Using innovation competences self-assessment and persona canvas combined may help in communication with student by focusing in separated areas (competences, interests, personality qualities etc.) instead of one big formless mass of things from different levels in life. After beginning the self-assessment and filling the canvas can be defined, re-focused and updated whenever by the student and in the following tutor discussions with the tutor.
- Student fills the self-assessment survey before the tutoring meeting / in the beginning of the tutoring relationship.

- Student and the tutor teacher have a session, where they discuss the results of the survey and use the persona canvas in creating the common understanding: student’s self-reflection and tutor teacher’s professional observation, both in the spirit of high acceptance.

Neither the self-assessment survey nor persona canvas should be any kind of permanent or fixed as a final set of skills levels and personality, but as a point where the tutor discussion has begun and then continues and develops further.