The aim of this pedagogical example was to test the SINCOE@ Assessment tool as a feedback tool for two multidisciplinary groups of third year Bachelor-students solving the specific problem assigned from the external project owner. The project owner met the student groups face-to-face only at the beginning and end of the course, otherwise the guidance took place in remote meetings.
Capstone innovation project is part of Turku UAS learning entity. Innovation project’s goal is to familiarize students with other fields of study and to introduce a work-a-like project environment in a safe and familiar environment. Projects are given to students by companies or Educational Institutions, and they wish students to have an outside view of these projects, in other words, they wish for students to have innovative problem-solving.
Capstone project groups are usually 5-10 students in size and consist of varied Turku UAS fields of study. This way students get to work with different fields and get to recognize different skills in these fields. Group sizes vary on the amount of interest of the students in the course with the exception of a few specific fields of study which are always included. Each project has dedicated coach (staff member) and product owner (typically customer representative).
The primary task of the Capstone Innovation Project is to produce a new solution for a problem or need of a real-world customer. New solution will be offered in the form of working prototype. Prototype can be in the form of product, service concept, video, animation, game, or mobile application.
Project groups worked mainly on-site in classrooms two half days per week. Additionally, students worked in (SCRUM or other project management methods) smaller task teams and met their coach weekly, wherein online meetings were also allowed. The project owner met the groups in online and onsite meetings.
The tutor’s role is to facilitate teamwork and guide the group in problem solving and support learning and team cohesion. The project owner’s role is to guide the group of students in the right direction of the project’s goals and keep the requirements clear, as well as to provide feedback on the progress of the work.
Capstone Innovation Project as a pedagogical method is motivating for students. Learning in real work-life-oriented projects in collaboration with teachers, companies and students form a motivating learning environment itself.
In addition, using the SINCOE@ Assessment Tool as a feedback tool was intended to support students’ motivation and deepen their learning experience.
In this pedagogical example the SINCOE@ Assessment Tool was intended to be used as a feedback tool. Providing additional feedback to students about their working and additional perspectives to the teacher for course evaluation.
Otherwise, the course was evaluated with grades 0-5. Assessment based on groups peer assessment and tutor’s assessment. Peer assessment will be made at the end of the course, but tutor asses constantly during course period.
Since the project owner was unable to monitor the students’ work based on non-online meetings, it felt challenging to give feedback at first. However, the SINCOE@ Assessment tool made it easier by helping to articulate and concretise students’ work and accomplishments. The items of the assessment tool were well suited for this kind of student project work. The tool made it easy to describe, for example, the initiative, creativity, and teamwork skills of a group of students by tying examples to projects.
Students appreciated the written feedback. It told in a concrete way about their successes. The feedback was a good addition to the numerical grade the teacher gave.