Assessing students’ critical thinking in sustainable development : 2024-05-10

Keywords: Assessment, method, role, sustainable development, sustainability

The objective was to support students to reflect and self-assess their competence of critical thinking in sustainable development.

Students were asked to consider the assessment items in their own studies so far, and after answering there was a discussion on their thoughts how they experienced the items.

The outcome was that students mentioned competence in sustainable development being among the most important competences now and in the future, but the expressions used, i.e. wording of the optional items, were found general and difficult to understand.

For the assessment to be realistic and reliable, it is essential that the student understands a fairly general competence item correctly. The recommendation is that self-assessment always requires prior discussion with the students and should never be carried out without the students being prepared for it. The aim of the discussion is to explain to the participants what it is assessed, why it is assessed, and what the assessment items in practice can mean.

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