Activating Innovative Teaching Methods and Assessment Tools: A Case Study on Developing Collaborative and Participative Teamwork Skills : 2024-05-10

Keywords: Self-assessment, teamwork skills, participative learning, student motivation, innovative assessment.

This case study piloted innovative teaching methods and assessment tools to foster collaborative and participative teamwork skills among students. Highly interactive workshops were implemented, enabling students to practice teamwork through group activities. The SINCOE@self tool was used for self-diagnosis and data collection, while the Belbin roles served as a reference for assessing team dynamics. Students’ perceptions of SINCOE@self were compared to the Belbin method, contributing to the psychometric validation of the SINCOE@ tool. Group products were evaluated using the triple diamond rubric, considering team competencies and roles. Frequent feedback and final grades were based on these activities. This approach aimed to create an engaging atmosphere for collaborative learning and continuous improvement. Self and peer assessments revealed innovative behaviors, competency priorities, and role dynamics within teams, providing insights for enhancing participative management approaches. Findings from this case study can inform the improvement of teamwork training and efficient assessment methods in educational settings.

Recommendations: To design team activities that align with real-world challenges or projects. Rotate team compositions to expose students to diverse working styles and assign specific roles or competencies for intentional development. Provide clear guidelines and rubrics, encouraging self and peer evaluation throughout the process. Give frequent feedback on team dynamics, roles, and competencies, facilitating reflective discussions after team activities for deeper learning. Use icebreaker activities to create an inclusive environment for collaboration and evaluate both the collaborative process and the final product.

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