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Where and how to assess the learning of the innovation competence

Assessing the development of innovation skills in university students is a complex process that requires careful consideration of a variety of factors. First and foremost, it is important to define what is meant by “innovation” and what specific skills are involved in developing this competency. This may include creativity,  critical thinking, innitiative, collaboration, and networking among others. Once these skills have been identified, it is important to determine how they can be measured effectively.

One approach to assessing innovation skills in university students is to use a combination of self-assessment and peer assessment. This can involve students reflecting on their own learning process and identifying areas where they have developed specific skills related to innovation. In addition, students can provide feedback to each other on their innovation skills, which can help to identify areas for improvement and encourage collaboration.

Another approach to assessing innovation skills in university students is to use performance-based assessments. This may involve giving students a specific problem to solve or task to complete, and then evaluating their ability to apply their innovation skills to the task at hand. This can provide a more objective measure of students’ innovation skills and can help to identify areas where students may need additional support or guidance.

It is also important to consider the context in which innovation skills are being developed and how this may impact the assessment process. For example, some innovation skills may be more relevant in certain disciplines or fields of study, and it may be necessary to tailor the assessment approach accordingly. In addition, the assessment process should take into account the unique learning styles and abilities of individual students, as well as any cultural or socio-economic factors that may impact their development of innovation skills.

Overall, assessing the development of innovation skills in university students requires careful planning and consideration of a variety of factors. By using a combination of self-assessment, peer assessment, and performance-based assessments, educators can provide students with meaningful feedback on their innovation skills and encourage them to continue developing these important competencies.

In this sense, we provide a tool for diagnosing innovation competence which is accessible at this link: http://rogle-moodle.webs.upv.es/alias/sincoe@self.htm

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